21 Questions with Bachelor of the Week
April is coming, it’s time to explore the best places in Singapore and meet a hot guy named Afif. He spoke up about his coming out story with his traditional family and how they accepted him as a gay son. Find out more about his little secret and personal life in this fun interview. Don’t forget to share your thought with us in a comment!
“Hi all, I was born in the Sunny Island, Singapore. I received a lot of comments and questions from people asking if I was born a Chinese. I am raised in a traditional Singaporean Malay family. My mum was raised a Chinese-Malay and my dad is half-Dutch, it is confusing, I know.
I am 24 years old this year and currently working to finance myself for my Uni education (Yes, mum refuses to pay them!). Apart from cafe hopping, I enjoy photography and during free times, I will go on long hikes and working out with friends.”
Follow Afif @afifbarkerr
1. Living in?
Tiny little red dot
2. From?
3. Profession?
Admin Executive
4. Three apps which you are addicted to?
Instagram, Netflix, and Jack’d
5. Favorite part of your body?
My tongue, I can do cool tricks with it.
6. Which part of a hot guy catches your eye the most?
Nice sculpted chest
7. Three things which will get you into bed?
Chest big enough to drown my face in, sweet talks and good set of family jewels
8. Your weirdest turn on?
Pre-cums, because of they are yummy
9. The strangest place you have done it?
Hmm … at the other person’s place but in his dead grandmother’s bedroom (I am dead serious, no pun intended).
10. Three qualities in your perfect boyfriend?
Ambitious, sincere and emotionally open
11. Dealbreaker (Something he does which prevents you dating him)?
Bad breath (Active smokers stay away)
12. How long have you been single?
2 – 3 years
13. Three reasons to visit?
1. Local boys,
2. Those amazing places of attractions and of course,
3. The food! You can never go wrong with it. You should try the Sambal Stingray, Nasi Lemak (Yes, it’s Malaysian, I think we own this dish) and Chilli Crab served with Piping Hot Mantao.
14. When is the best time to visit?
Anytime, in fact, Singapore is amazing all year around. There will always be things to do here.
15. What’s your recommended must-do attraction?
You should go food hopping from hawker centre to another centre, you can get cheap yet really good local food, Marina Bay Sands for the would’s largest infinity pool and Gardens by the Bay.
16. Favorite night to party?
We party hard on Fridays and harder on Saturdays! But I only party if I don’t have to work the next day.
17. Where would you go?
If I’m not in PEACHES, I will be in TANTRIC or anywhere along Neil Rd. If not any of them, I will be at home preparing for work the next day (we Singaporean work too much.)
18. What’s special about it?
There are a huge stretch of bars and clubs for you to choose from. You can be with your friends and get to be comfortable being yourself without having anyone staring at you for behaving a certain maner.
19. Which neighborhood is best to stay in?
Anywhere around the city area: Cityhall, Raffles Place, and Chinatown.
20. What’s special about that neighborhood?
You are centralized to most of the attractions in Singapore. Clubs are around these area too.
21. If you were a tourist visiting which hotel would you stay in?
It’s a tough one! I would strongly recommend SO Sofitel Singapore.
Compare prices of the best gay-friendly hotels in SINGAPORE HERE!
Afif on coming out & life as a gay man:
“Coming from a very traditional family, it was rather tough coming out to anyone as a gay man. I came out 5 years ago to a group of close friends and I could never feel any better knowing that they accepted me with open arms and it was very liberating. I feel much comfortable being able to share personal relationship problems and you know they will always be there for you when you need them emotionally. I have not gotten to see an opportunity to come out to my family. It was recently that I was forced to come out to my sister because she got her gay friend to spied on me. She laid down the receipts and it was a point of no-return for me, I had to come out to her. It was rather an emotional phase knowing that she has her back turned against me for being gay and she insisted I get closer to god to seek help. The fact that she thinks that sexuality is a choice is rather jarring.
Life has changed ever since I feel more confident with myself. I am able to lift these weights off my shoulders knowing that I can now be comfortable in my own skin, I live a happier life and it has opened up to more opportunities since. Since coming out, I was able to make more friends and meet new people without having to be chary.
I am currently working hand in hand with Action For Aids Singapore to raise awareness on the value of having safe sex, simultaneously advocating the community the importance of getting yourself tested regularly. Being confident in my own skin has opened up the opportunities, one of which being photographed by @iom.sg for The Jock Shop.
There are definitely difficulties to being a gay man in Singapore, the Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore is said to criminalise sex between same consenting adult men and the government has said to have no plans on repealing this piece of legislation Or at least not anytime soon.
(This is actually weird) Being the vocal person that I am, I recently opened up on Social Media to my dissatisfaction and vexation about how the community is so segregated, given that we are already a minority. Part of the gay lifestyle that I scorn would be the fact that we find glory in bringing each other’s down. There and then, we get unhappy by the label of “All gays are bitchy.”.
It is at the same time very hypocritical how I preach about creating harmony within this already segregated society, yet I got myself into an unnecessary drama that I could have avoided if not for my rash decisions that I made recently with tearing down someone via the Instagram Story. I came to realize this audacious act came with so much consequences and repercussions, not only was I being ungracious to Him as an individual but it reflected badly of me as a person to the followers. It was definitely a lesson learnt.
Being gay is easy! You simply live your life like a normal man. My favorite part of being a gay man has to be the fact that blowjobs from a woman are not worthy of comparison to a blowjobs given from a man. Yes, we do everything better in terms of the sex.”
Now, it’s time to start prepping for your holiday, we provided some tips for you right here. It is important for us to know your thoughts/comments about this article, please let us know below. Thank you for your continued support, share if you like it.
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